A Team Initiative


Alignment Nashville’s Math A-Team, composed of MNPS staff and community members, works to make math more accessible for students and their families by shifting mindsets about what it means to be "good at math."

Summer Math Passport Challenge - 2023 Pilot

In the summer of 2023, the Math A-Team piloted a Summer Math Passport Challenge, providing students and families with real-life applications of math, illustrating its relevance outside of the classroom.

Students were given “passports” to different locations, with corresponding math activities to complete. The Math A-Team partnered with Family University to encourage parent/caregiver participation and to shift family mindsets around engaging in math at home. Scroll to the bottom of this page to view the 2023 passport template and activities!

We Need Your Input: Exciting Incentives for the 2024 Summer Math Challenge!

As we gear up for the 2024 Summer Math Challenge, we are reaching out to you for your ideas! We believe that together, we can make this year's challenge an even greater success by offering enticing incentives that will motivate both students and families to join and complete the challenge.

We understand that incentives play a crucial role in encouraging participation, so we are eager to hear your creative ideas on rewards that will not only excite students but also engage families across Nashville. Our goal is to make the Summer Math Challenge a memorable and enriching experience for everyone involved.

Here are a few things to consider when brainstorming incentives:

1. Accessibility: We want to ensure that the incentives are easily accessible across Nashville, making it convenient for families to participate. Think about partnerships with local businesses, libraries, or community centers.

2. Inclusivity: Consider incentives that cater to various age groups and skill levels, ensuring that everyone feels motivated to participate. Whether it's a fun family event or a prize for top performers, inclusivity is key.

3. Educational Value:  Ideally, we would like to align incentives with the educational goals of the Summer Math Challenge. Perhaps consider rewards that promote learning, such as educational games, books, or resources that support mathematical development.

4. Community Engagement: Think about incentives that encourage a sense of community among participants. This could involve local events, workshops, or collaborative projects that bring families together to celebrate their achievements.

Now, we want to hear from you! Please click here (or email nathan@alignmentnashville.org) to share your ideas and suggestions for incentives that will make the 2024 Summer Math Challenge an unforgettable experience for students and families alike. 


2023 Summer Math Passport Templates and Activities: 

Math Passport Challenge Activity Questions (English)

Math Passport Challenge Activity Questions (Spanish)

Math Passport Challenge Activity Questions (Arabic)

Math Passport Template (English)

Math Passport Template (Spanish)

Math Passport Template (Arabic)

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